Don't you just want a pair? I do too... three to be exact.
These pictures were taken by me of girls around my school strutting their stuff in these world-friendly shoes. (The bottom edge of the picture is a screenshot from, their website) And so the question becomes, why not invest in a pair of these comfortable, cute, and do-good shoes? My answer is... I have absolutely no idea.
The title for this post is the motto for this very well known brand, that presents a sustainable way to make a change in this world. "TOMS was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One." Omgosh I love them... they're a little funk-ay (which I love), they're comfortable (which I love), and there are so many options (which I love). I plan to get three pairs this summer... :)
(Red Stone-Washed Twill Classics- $48, Tyler Ramsey Hand Painted Natural Classics- $68, Bleach Splatter Denim Cordones- $69)
Any favorite styles of toms you've seen? Is it just me who's obsessed with them...?
I own 3 pairs, love them!